Talbot Humane


Concert for the Love of Animals

Join us for an outdoor social-distanced concert to support the animals of the Midshore
The 99 will be performing a benefit concert for the animals served by Talbot Humane on Thursday August 20th at 7P.  They are an Easton-based Christian praise band formed in the midst of COVID-19 to deliver musical messages of hope. The lineup includes Bruce Strazza, Sara Chapple, Jordon Stanley, Tawney Strazza, Jesse Kirchner, Jimmy Maguire, Nevin Dawson and Ray Remesch. They are excited to give their first live performance and help support the important work Talbot Humane does in our community.
The Oxford Community Center is committed to keeping patrons safe. To do so there are very strict guidelines to attend the event. In order to keep everyone safe and follow best practices only 50 tickets will be sold for this event. Patrons are to bring their own chairs. Masks are a must as well. There are designated seat posts to ensure social distancing for attendees.  Click for the full explanation of the OUTDOOR EVENT GUIDELINES OCC
To learn more about the concert, purchase tickets, and see the detailed measures being taken to ensure we are all safe while enjoying an evening of music please go to:


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